
Thursday, February 2, 2017


AMERICAN JET F-35 fighter

1} is an F-35 multi-role supersonic aircraft of the fifth generation.

2} is designed to remember the entire battlefield. And 'able to combat air to air, air to ground, electronic attacks, intelligence, surveilance and reconnaissance.


1} is a pilot jet fighter

2} length - 15.7 m

3} height of 14.2 ft

4} -22 470 kg loaded

5} fuel 8,382kg


1} is the maximum speed - mach 1.6

2} Range - 2220 km

3} wing loading 526kg / m2

Carrying weapons

1} Guns -General 25 mm dynamic, GAU 22 / A

2} missiles - air-to-air

-Air surface

- Anti-ship missiles

3} Bombs- brand 84,83,82

4} cluster bombs Mk 20 Rockeye


6} paveway

7} small diameter bomb

8} B61 Mod 12 nuclear bomb

electronic attacks

1} advanced capabilities (EW) F-35 pilots ability to detect and track enemy forces, radar jam and efficiency unmatched in the attack. advanced avionics for real-time access to information concerning the pilot battle space with a 360-degree coverage and unparalleled ability to dominate the tactical environment.

surface AIR

It allows low observable (VLO) stealth F-35 is safe to fly in the airspace protected areas without being seen by radar 4th generation and earlier legacy fighters can not escape


1} for integrated sensor systems, intelligence and weapons pilots of F-35 fighter jets threatened advantage on the front line. while a fighter pilot can see Generation 5 enemy planes before and decisive, lethal action to take from the stand-off distance. The ability to see and not be seen is redefining tactical air-to-air as the previous generation.

Intelligence, surveillance and exploration

Pulling the advantage of stealth, advanced sensors, and data fusion to provide a greater awareness of the situation pilot can fly F-35 pilots critical ISR mission to capture data more sophisticated than any previous fighter plane.

full coverage of the mission system

The term "mission systems" refers to avionics, integrated electronic sensors, display and communication systems to gather and share data with other friendly and airplane pilot, sea and land.


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