The BrahMos a supersonic cruise missile ramjet short-range can be launched from submarines, ships, aircraft or land. And traveling 'fastest anti-ship cruise missiles in the world in a missile operation at a speed of Mach 2.8 to 3.0. Versions are ground launched naval and address already in service with the versions of air and submarine-launched test site.
2} has developed the BrahMos joint venture between the Defence R & D Organisation (DRDO) of India and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPO Mashinostroyenia (NPOM) of Russia under BrahMos Aerospace. The missile is named after two rivers, the Brahmaputra and Moskva.
3} The BrahMos-A missile variant with a modified air-launched to arm the Su-30MKI air force as a weapon deadlock. For the weight of the missile reduced to 2.55 tons, has made many modifications such as using smaller booster, the addition of fins stability in flight after launch, and the displacement connector. It may be issued from a height of 500 to 14,000 meters (1,640 to 46,000 ft). After the release, the missile drops green 100-150 meters, then enters phase of cruising at 14,000 meters and, finally, the last stage of 15 meters. BrahMos Aerospace forward to the missile for the IAF delivered in 2015, in which you plan to arm at least three squadrons. Can Su-30MKI only BrahMos missile.
4} It was the air-launched version for the Indian Air Force ready for testing in 2008. The expert committee ruled the DRDO and the Indian Air Force (IAF) any structural changes to the Sukhoi Su-30MKI to the missile. 22 October 2008 A. Sivathanu Pillai, chief controller, research and development, DRDO and CEO and general manager of BrahMos Aerospace, announced that the trials and tests should be completed by 2011, and that the IAF would get their own version of Brahmos by 2012.
5} The BrahMos hypersonic cruise missile-II is currently under development and is expected to have a range of 290 km. As the BrahMos, the BrahMos II range was also limited to 290 km respect MTCR. With a speed of Mach 7, will double the speed of current BrahMos missile, and it will be the fastest hypersonic missile in the world. Development may take 7-8 years to complete
6} The high speed of the BrahMos probably the best features of the goals penetration than lighter subsonic cruise-missiles like the Tomahawk. Twice as heavy and almost four times faster than the Tomahawk, the BrahMos is more than 32 times the kinetic energy of a Tomahawk cruise missiles-on, even if it only takes 3/5 of the payload, and a small part despite weighing of the field than doubled, suggesting that the missile is designed with different tactical role. Mach 2.8 speed means it can not be intercepted by a missile defense system and its accuracy is fatal for water targets.
7} Although primarily BrahMos anti-ship missile, can the BrahMos Block III also strike ground targets. It can be sent either vertical or inclined position and is able to targets on the horizon 360 degrees. The BrahMos missile has identical configuration for land platforms, marine and underwater.
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